IDEA ConnACT now!

24th Drama/Theatre in Education Conference

April 8th – 13th, 2022
Retzhof Castle, Styria

About courage in everyday routine! Now more than ever!

4 complete days – 4 workshops – 4 facilitators – 4 groups – 4 keynotes

best practice – favourite games – research topics

Welcome, friends and friends in future!

There is an innate need for humans to connect. During the present pandemic, however, we have not been able to connect. It was as if our entire social lives had been suddenly put to a halt. Digital devices, as helpful as they may be, cannot replace real-life encounters. Despite all these obstacles we will stay in motion. Let us move towards each other, with empathy and a willingness to listen and interact by expressing our values and visions instead of letting ourselves be defeated by our fears and/or one-sided world views.

We need to be courageous – now more than ever. We need to ask ourselves who we are, who we want to be as human beings and what kind of society we want to live in. We need to listen to the younger generation when they raise these questions, when they stand up for their convictions being committed to current issues such as sustainability and human equality. It is our duty to support young people to be brave and take calculated risks and it is our duty to help create a society that fosters critical thinking and independence of thought and action. 

One way to ensure all that is to give young people the opportunity to gain personal experience and learn new skills through Drama in Education by exploring their own selves, exploring who they are and who they want to be. Individually and together, they should act out what is and can be. Connecting people through drama offers new perspectives. We expect nothing less than that from the Drama/Theatre in Education Conference 2022.

The detailed program will be announced soon!

The conference is planned and organized by

  • OEBV Theater (Austrian Federal Association for Non-professional Theatre)
  • IDEA AUSTRIA (International Drama/Theatre Education Association, Austria)
  • NCoC – National Center of Competence for Cultural Education
  • AITA/IATA (International Amateur Theatre Association)


CONFERENCE FEE:            EUR 200,–
EUR 150,– for students and unemployed.
Please contact us for further information! 

ATTENTION: Please wait for the invoice before transferring the conference fee to our bank account!

Your registration process for the conference is completed once we have received your conference fee on our bank account! Banking charges are on the participants’ accounts.

Reduced conference fees for students, unemployed and participants from developing nations possible. Please contact us if any of these apply: info[at]

VENUE Retzhof Castle

You have to book your accomodation directly at Retzhof Castle:
Telephone 0043 – 3452 827 88 – 0

PRICES FOR 2021/22 (incl. VAT/USt.)

Adults in double room per night:

  • FULL BOARD:  € 68,00

Single room supplement per night € 9,00

Overnight tax from the age of 15 per person and night € 1,50.
For children up to 5 years (in parents room): free stay

Please note:
The accomodation (5 nights) must be paid directly on arrival at the reception desk of Retzhof Castle!
[Payment in cash, by bank transfer, Visacard and Mastercard are accepted.]
Don’t transfer to our bank account!


  • If you cancel your participation in the event in writing up to 25th of March, 2022 (23.59 Uhr / 11.59pm),
    you will not be charged any cancellation fees.
  • If written cancellation is received up to 4th of April, 2022 (23.59 Uhr / 11.59pm),
    we will charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the participation fee.
  • Thereafter, in case of non-registration and/or non-participation, the participation fee for the event will be charged at 100%.
  • The cancellation fee is waived if you are able to name a substitute participant to take your place in the event that you are unable to attend.

Cancelling Condtions for Retzhof Castle:
If you cancle your room in writing more than 7 days before, there will be no cancellation fee.
Afterwards you have to pay the full prize for the night.
See also:

Confirmation of your application for the IDEA Conference 2024


Booking for Althof Retz Hotel

  • Since May 25, 2018, we, the Austrian National Association for Amateur Theater (ÖBV Theater) and IDEA Austria, are committed to treat your personal data respectfully and with consideration. We may not pass your personal information on to third parties, nor will we misuse it outside of contacting you within the context of this event. For further information about our privacy policy please look at:


Copyright © 2025 ÖBV Theater